Evaluation and improvements to quantitative models for predicting en route loss in Fraser sockeye salmon

Fraser River sockeye have become more difficult to manage due to climate change and increasing high adult in-river mortality events. Currently, managers use the difference between estimated lower river sockeye abundance at Mission hydroacoustic station and estimates of abundance attained on the spawning grounds through stock assessment; referred to as difference between estimates (DBE’s). Fraser River sockeye managers use linear models to understand the factors that contribute to these estimates post season in the form of descriptive management adjustment models and use predictive management adjustment models in-season to predict DBE’s and adjust fishing accordingly. However, predictive management adjustment models used in-season have been unreliable which has resulted in foregone catch suggesting that the models need to be improved. In this internship we will test upper river temperatures relevant to each population to see if the post-season descriptive management adjustment model fit improves. TO BE CONT’D

Faculty Supervisor:

Sean Cox


Kaitlyn Dionne


InStream Fisheries Research Inc.


Environmental sciences


Natural resources




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