Evaluation of additive manufacturing technology for the fabrication of wind-tunnel model parts featuring static pressure channels

The objective of the proposed project is to evaluate the use of additive manufacturing technology for the fabrication of wind-tunnel model parts featuring static pressure channels. The long-term aim of this research to devise an innovative manufacturing process that reduces the cost and lead time required to fabricate aerodynamic wind-tunnel models. The suggested methodology is to test the transient response time of pressure channels manufactured with additive technology and to compare it with those manufactured using classical machining. The results obtained through this project will help the industrial partner devise a manufacturing process for wind-tunnel model parts used, among others, at the NRC 1.5m Blow-down wind tunnel.

Faculty Supervisor:

Julien Weiss


Abdelouahab Mohammed-Taifour


FusiA Impression 3D Metal Inc


Engineering - mechanical


Aerospace and defense




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