Evaluation of Solid-Phase Micro Extraction Technology for Environmental Monitoring

Volatile organic Compounds (VOCs) and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) belong to the group of anthropogenic chemicals, meaning their effects are a result of human activity. VOCs are commonly found in the manufacturing process of paints, petroleum products, pharmaceuticals, and refrigerants. Additionally VOCs can be used as gasoline additives, solvents and dry-cleaning agents. SVOCs are common to indoor environments and are often used in the production of plastics, detergents, furniture, and other household and consumer products. Through their use in industry, both VOCs and SVOCs can be a potential contaminant of ground water and surface water resources and as a result, pose as a potential human health threat as many are toxic and known carcinogens. It is therefore highly important to have accurate and precise methods for their identification and analysis. Throughout the duration of the internship, the intern will undertake the evaluation of solid phase micro extraction for environmental monitoring (SPME). Four individual projects have been selected, two involving the identification and analysis ofVOCs and two involving the identification and analysis ofSVOCs using SPME.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Philip Walsh


Meghan Schlitt


Mexxam Analytics


Environmental sciences


Environmental industry


Ryerson University



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