Examining the ParticipACTION mobile app to promote physical activity among people who identify as women

Many Canadians currently do not meet government guidelines for weekly physical activity, particularly among people who identify as women. Media health (mHealth) such as fitness apps and tracking devices can help people to be more physically active. One such resource that has been developed for individuals living in Canada is the ParticipACTION mobile app. However, there has been little research that has examined how effective the ParticipACTION app is for increasing physical activity among individuals who identify as women. Therefore, this research project aims to understand whether the mobile app helps to increase physical activity among women who use the app. The research project also aimed to understand women’s views on the app, including likes and dislikes, as well as what can be improved in the app to help them be more physically active and engaged with app content.

Faculty Supervisor:

Katherine Tamminen


Rachel Clare Dunn






Arts, entertainment and recreation


University of Toronto



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