Experimental Development and Design of Low Reynolds Number Airfoils for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) provide a cost-effective and low-risk airborne platform for scientific and surveillance equipment. Due to the variety of instrumentation that they can carry, UAVs have enormous potential for use in a range of commercial and military sectors. However, their small size and low speed brings about aerodynamic challenges that are not present on larger aircraft. The goal of this project is to better understand these unique phenomena at a fundamental level in order to develop practical engineering solutions that will improve performance of UAVs. The research will take place in the low-speed low-turbulence intensity wind tunnel at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies. Results will lead to specific design guidelines that Brican Automated Systems will use to stay at the leading edge of UAV development in Canada.

Faculty Supervisor:

Philippe Lavoie


David Sutton


Brican Automated Systems Inc.


Aerospace studies


Aerospace and defense


University of Toronto



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