Exploring action plans for enhancing community sustainability in Baie Verte

The mining industry forms an integral part to the economy of Newfoundland and Labrador. The island of Newfoundland is particularly important to the NL mining industry, as it houses several active mining operations, as well as minerals exploration and developments in several areas including the Baie Verte peninsula. As mining operations are noted as impacting and contributing to the sustainability of communities, the proposed research seeks to understand and give an overview of the sustainability vision of Baie Verte, assess the state of sustainability in Baie Verte, and recommend community action plans that can help enhance sustainability in Baie Verte. In doing so, the project will rely on review of community documents, review of literature, a three-capital based sustainability assessment framework, public surveys, and consultations with community stakeholders.

Faculty Supervisor:

Kelly Vodden


Rashidatu Mohammed Uthman


Rambler Metals and Mining PLC


Environmental sciences


Environmental industry




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