Exploring how climate change, gender, and tailored mental health services impact help-seeking and mental health outcomes among Canadian farmers

My doctoral research investigates mental health challenges of Canadian farmers, to more effectively address them. My research includes a nationwide epidemiological survey examining the prevalence and factors associated with depression, anxiety, stress, resilience, and burnout. Additionally, I conducted 75 one-on-one qualitative interviews with farmers and others in the agricultural industry to provide an in-depth understanding of farmer mental health. Additionally, we developed an agriculture-based mental health literacy training, ‘In the Know’, which was piloted, formally evaluated, and determined effective.To increase access to services and improve mental health outcomes for farmers, I will expand my current high research trajectory to increase our knowledge around factors (like gender and climate) impacting farmer mental health, and access to needed supports. Our team will work towards the sustainability of farmers and agriculture via research and outreach, while providing expertise to the Canadian Federation of Agriculture. The objectives are to:-Explore climate change impacts on farmer mental health;-Explore farmer mental health through a gendered lens;-Compare the effectiveness of the ‘In the Know’ program to Mental Health First Aid, ageneral population program;-Develop a knowledge-transfer intervention to improve service provider’sknowledge of Canadian agriculture and the farmer-specific needs for mental health care.

Faculty Supervisor:

Andria Jones-Bitton


Briana Hagen


Canadian Federation of Agriculture






University of Guelph



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