Extended product lifecycle management through social computing technologies

This study will present a method for improving informal information flow during product development process in aerospace industries using social computing tools. In actual engineering information exchange, the knowledge is transmitted informally around the coffee machine or through a formal document in the process. In contrast, the author presents a method for proactive participation of users during design activities. The framework, a perspective for integrating community of practices in product development enhances knowledge sharing and retention. The complexity of aerospace processes, geographically dispersed engineers, available communication tools, time constraint and multidisciplinary teams have an impact on users’ engagement in knowledge transfer. The candidate will explore current flow and propose a model based on community of practices. The outcomes target the SCT integration process supporting Communities of Practices at Pratt & Whitney Canada and a remote site.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Clément Fortin


Nancy Doumit


Pratt & Whitney Canada


Engineering - mechanical


Aerospace and defense


Polytechnique Montréal



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