Fiber-optic ultrasound generation and detection system for high-resolution ultrasonic and photoacoustic imaging

Our vision is to develop fiber-optic high-frequency ultrasound generation and detection system for ultrasonic and photoacoustic imaging in biological and biomedical applications such as intravascular imaging in ICU for patients with real-time imaging and monitoring capability.The research will be conducted with our partner organization iNano Medical to provide the need of the spatially resolved ultrasound imaging, for which better location and identification of cancer cells could be offered using our ultrasound generator and detector. This will be enabled by the thermo-optic effects in graphene-coated chalcogenide-PMMA fibers for high-frequency ultrasound generation and high sensitivity of the random fiber grating based random laser sensor, thanks to the advantages of fiber optics, such as immunity to electromagnetic interference, compact footprint, durability, and multiplexing capability, which will benefit our partner company in developing novel biomedical imaging modality and especially paving the way for novel technique in ICU sonology in diagnosis and guiding treatments.

Faculty Supervisor:

Xiaoyi Bao


Yanping Xu


iNano Medical Inc


Physics / Astronomy


Advanced manufacturing




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