Geomorphic changes in Russell Creek Experimental Watershed following a record rain on snow event

Movement of sediment through landslide activities dominates sediment transport in headwater channels, and exerts a strong control on downstream channel morphology and aquatic habitat. Landslide and debris flow activity in headwater channels is controlled in part by the intensity of precipitation events. At Russell Creek Experimental Watershed on northern Vancouver Island, high resolution, remotely sensed (LiDAR) topographic data is available from both before and after a record rain-on-snow hydroclimatic event. This unique dataset, coupled with a dense weather station network through the watershed, presents a unique opportunity to examine the geomorphic impacts of a record runoff event on debris flows, landslides, and downstream channel and alluvial fan morphology. This research will develop mitigation strategies for hazardous debris flow features which frequently close a highway on Vancouver Island, and will contribute to a growing body of research on the links between climate, hydrology, land use, geomorphology and aquatic habitat.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Marwan Hassan


Leonora King


MetaOptima Technology Inc.


Geography / Geology / Earth science


Mining and quarrying


University of British Columbia



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