Harnessing the potential of land-based Aquaculture by-productsthrough the use of aerobic bioreactor technology

The overall project goal is the adoption of ensiling and aerobic bioreactor system used within recirculating aquaculture systems, a developing industry within aquaculture. RAS, produce waste streams incorporating various fish wastes. Some RAS operations integrate fish processing facilities onsite, further increasing waste products. Currently waste products form these systems are disposed of through outside contractors at cost. Through ensiling and aerobic processing, the overall aim is to bring control of waste processing in-house and create additional revenue stream from the waste. While the technology is proven, the adoption of the technology from a financial, operational and technical acceptance perspective is yet to be explored, this project aims to answer the question of whether such technology would be accepted by RES operators. This project aims to achieve this through conducting market research with the RES industry and other stakeholders as well as conducting a waste analysis to understand waste flow throughs from individual operations, through generalized data obtained through interviews and through an aon-site evaluation of a Nova Scotia RES operator.

Faculty Supervisor:

Gordon Price


Allan Thomson


Springboard Atlantic




Professional, scientific and technical services


Dalhousie University



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