Human Health Risk Assessment of Manganese and Inorganic Manganese Compounds and the Application of Categorical Regression in the Quantitative Risk Assessment of Manganese

Risk Sciences International is currently completing a comprehensive risk assessment of the potential human health effects of manganese. This assessment involves a systematic review of the worlds’ literature on epidemiological and toxicological studies of manganese, following which an international expert panel has scored all of the adverse health outcomes identified through this review using a 12-point severity scoring scale. By standardizing diverse health outcomes on a common severity scale it is now possible to conduct a categorical regression analysis of the results of over 200 scientific papers containing relevant dose-response information on manganese. During the course of this MITACS internship, Ms. Milton will assist Senior Scientists at RSI in conducting the detailed categorical regression of this unique comprehensive database on the human health effects of exposure to manganese.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Patrick Farrell


Brittany Milton


Risk Sciences International




Life sciences


Carleton University



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