In-Seam Electromagnetics to Identify Anomalous Near Mine Brine-FilledGeological Layers

One of the major issues facing potash mining in Saskatchewan is the potential for water to enter
the mine from water-bearing rocks above mining operations. Rocks near-mine are normally
considered dry and low risk. However, under some conditions, in localized areas, there is the
potential for unsaturated water to have been introduced into the rock formations near the potash
ore. In this project, we will perform electromagnetic surveys at various underground PotashCorp
mine sites to determine the effectiveness and detection limits of these electromagnetic
techniques at finding water-logged areas. The purpose of this research is threefold: to determine
the size and parameters of these water-logged areas, to determine the detection limits of the
equipment underground, and make recommendations on the best performance device and
technique that is currently available. In addition to underground surveys, the project will also consist of computer modelling of potash mines, constructed at the University of Saskatchewan,
which will aid in our understanding of potash mine environments and in the interpretation of the
results gathered from the underground surveys.

Faculty Supervisor:

Sam Butler


Todd LeBlanc




Geography / Geology / Earth science


Mining and quarrying




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