Integrating Board Tasks into the Board Attributes and Firm Performance Relation

As the corporate board can be seen as a type of group, scholars from the group perspective have found that tasks performed by groups are unalike, and the effect of group attributes on performance largely depends on which type of tasks the group perform. Based on the survey data expected to be collected from our industry partner, we intend to bring the idea of group tasks into board research and closely examine the influence of board tasks. Meanwhile, we try to meet the needs of the industry partner to improve its board effectiveness as well as the quality of the corporate governance system. As family ownership is the dominant ownership category worldwide, the problem that our partner is facing is actually a universal issue for most of the family firms.

Faculty Supervisor:

Taïeb Hafsi


Wenxi Yan


Xi'an Jsbound Technology Corporation




Other services (except public administration)


HEC Montréal



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