Integrating hydrological process science into watershed management for the Upper Athabasca

Water use, land use and climate change can alter hydrology and effect the downstream availably of water and timing of flows. The Athabasca River is vital for supply of oil sands energy development and in-stream aquatic habitats. Much of the water for the river originates in the Mountain and Foothills Regions, in the Upper Athabasca. The Foothills Region is busy landscape with, forestry, natural forest disturbance, and upstream oil and gas developments. WaterSMART is developing a multi-stakeholder project in hopes to inform decision making. This project will enable the novel use of hydrological modelling to assess the impact of possible land use scenarios on the hydrology.

Faculty Supervisor:

Axel Anderson


Nazila Sedaei


WaterSMART Solutions Ltd


Resources and environmental management


Natural resources


University of Alberta



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