Investigating the effects of current forestry management practices on the quality and productivity of black huckleberry (Vaccinium membranaceum) in southeastern British Columbia

Black huckleberry (Vaccinium membranaceum) is an important wild food plant for people and wildlife in the East Kootenays of British Columbia.  Over the past 50 years changes in forestry practices, and the intensity of timber harvesting have changed the forest and the habitat where black huckleberries grow.  This research project will employ scientific and ethnographic methods to investigate the effects that clear-cutting and logging are having on the abundance, productivity and harvesting of black huckleberry in the East Kootenays.  Developing an understanding of how huckleberries are affected by forest management practices will provide information for improving forestry practices including enhancing huckleberry habitat for the benefit of local communities of huckleberry harvesters and wildlife species. The results of this project will provide Keefer Ecological Services with the capacity to restore and improve huckleberry habitat in the Flathead Valley for the benefit of grizzly bears in this area.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Nancy Turner


Andra Forney


Keefer Ecological Services Ltd.


Environmental sciences




University of Victoria



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