Jim Green centre for innovation and inclusion

This Mitacs internship will determine the economic feasibility of the repurposing of 312/324 Main Street into a Centre for Social Innovation and Inclusion (CSII) in Vancouver. CSII is modeled on the successful Centre for Social Innovation in Toronto. CSII aims to create cooperative networks among different social groups, cultivating an environment of reciprocity.

CSII envisages the conversion of the former Vancouver Police Station at 312/324 Main Street for these purposes. The 60,000 square feet of leasable space would be rented out to a range of tenants similar to the Toronto model. In addition, the sponsors of the project – Vancouver City Savings Credit Union and Simon Fraser University will occupy some of the space with their related staff. Some of the space will be subsidized for local artists/artisans and NGO’s while other space will be of a relatively high return in the private sector.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Mark Monroe


Thomas Bevan


Jim Green Consulting


Urban studies


Service industry


University of British Columbia



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