Kitchener Bioretention Planters Evaluation

Low impact development (LID) technologies are increasingly part of the urban landscape for Canadian municipalities. Bioretention planters, also known as rain gardens, are an LID technology that infiltrates and filters runoff at the source. Though design guidance exists, there is little data available on the long term performance of LID technologies, such as bioretention systems. This study aims to contribute to the literature of field studies on the long term performance of bioretention systems, in terms of the hydrologic performance and maintenance needs. The study site will be the bioretention planters along the King Street corridor in Kitchener, Ontario, which were installed in 2009-2010. In partnership with GHD Ltd. and the City of Kitchener, this study will aid with determining what factors are leading to the currently observed poor performance of the bioretention planters in the King Street corridor, and advise on potential remedies.

Faculty Supervisor:

Jennifer Drake


Sylvie Spraakman




Engineering - civil


Natural resources




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