lnfluence of odour presentation on panelist response variability

Olfactometry is the science of using human subjects to measure odours without bias, as no instrument yet can replace the human nose. Recently, the method presenting odours to panellists has been identified as a potential element affecting response and measurement variability. Furthermore, the sensitivity of electronic noses also developed to measure odours remains an issue. The objective of the research is to use 3 odours and present them in 3 different ways to 6 panellists, and compare panelists' response to that of two widely used commercial noses. The experimental work will be conducted in the olfactory laboratory of Consumaj Inc. in St-Hyacinthe. The 3 methods of odour presentation will be: a single outlet where the panelists must respond as to the contamination or not of the air sample released; two outlets, one of which is contaminated and the identification of the contaminated outlet by the panelists, and three outlets one of which is contaminated and the identification of the contaminated outlet by the panelists.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Catherine Mulligan


Hamed Kazemi


Consumaj Inc.


Engineering - civil


Construction and infrastructure


Concordia University



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