Local community engagement: White Butte Eco-museum Heritage Ecology Project

Ecomuseums are primarily community-based endeavors that respond to local needs while concentrating on sustainability. They help guide and develop democratic projects that focus on connections to local history and heritage, which include local physical geographic features, natural resources, natural habitats and agricultural practices. This research concentrates on creating an educational program to be delivered on a local conservation easement in southern Saskatchewan. The White Butte Ecomuseum is embedded within the context of rural-urban connections and has identified education on environmental sustainability as one guiding principle. My aim is to create the program in collaboration with the local ecomuseum (FRSM), with researchers from the University of Regina and with local schools. The anticipated results will help identify the process of organizational collaboration tied to the unifying concept of sustainability. TO BE CONT’D

Faculty Supervisor:

Amber Fletcher


Adela Kincaid


Friends of the Royal Saskatchewan Museum


Environmental sciences


Environmental industry




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