Long-Term Ecosystem Monitoring of the British Columbia Coast across a Gradient of Human Stressors – Year Two

Proposed developments (pipelines, super-tankers) along the coast of BC have the potential to negatively impact (shell)fisheries. Direct monitoring of fisheries can only detect negative impacts which have already occurred; therefore, indicator species (meiofauna) and environmental variables are monitored to detect disturbances before productivity is impacted. Our project will monitor intertidal ecosystems (numerous species and environmental variables) spanning the entire coast of BC, across a gradient of human impacts, long term. Multivariate models will be created to quantify human impacts, natural forces which structure these ecosystems, and potentially detect disturbances – natural or anthropogenic – before commercial species are impacted. The Hakai Institute will benefit from this research as they strive to protect BC’s coast through long-term monitoring. Our proposed project will elucidate long-term coastal dynamics, protect BC’s coast by detecting potential disturbances, help safeguard fishery productivity, and provide the detailed, long-term data required for crafting effective regulations.

Faculty Supervisor:

Francis Juanes


Travis Gerwing


Tula Foundation




Environmental industry


University of Victoria



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