Malaria Detection using Optofluidics and Retinal Imaging

The proposed project is to develop an affordable point-of-care malaria detection system. The system would have two modes of operation. The screening mode is based on optofluidics, a combination of optics, and microfluidics. Optofluidics can be used to analyze blood samples to detect malaria biomarkers. Imaging of the blood samples can be done quickly and without laborious procedures, which is a benefit for remote areas that are affected the most by malaria. The second mode involves retinal imaging that provides additional information that can distinguish severe malaria from other parasitic diseases. This is important for correctly identifying malaria, and determining the appropriate course of treatment. The project is expected to result in new detection tools that will make malaria detection quicker and more reliable, as well as being inexpensive and useable in remote locations.

Faculty Supervisor:

Marinko Sarunic


Bengt Haunerland






Simon Fraser University



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