Marine Additive Manufacturing Centre of Excellence

The proposed NBIF RIF project will establish a UNB Marine Additive Manufacturing Centre of Excellence (MAMCE) in Atlantic Canada. The focus of the centre is the marine and defence sectors with vision for global marine technology trend for 2030, which includes additive manufacturing, and advanced materials. MAMCE’s mission is to accelerate the adoption of metal additive manufacturing (AM) technology in the Atlantic Region, mainly New Brunswick, through research, workforce training, and commercialization. As a capacity building project, the MAMCE will bring infrastructure, expertise and knowhow to the Atlantic region. One of the key challenges facing AM adoption is knowledge and expertise. The establishment of the MAMCE and related research activities will build a strong foundation for manufacturers in the Atlantic region to exploit the benefits of additive manufacturing. The technology is already disrupting the traditional manufacturing paradigm, and regional companies will have the opportunity to be leaders in the field.

Faculty Supervisor:

Mohsen Mohammadi


Ramin Shamsdini


Lockheed Martin Canada


Engineering - mechanical


Advanced manufacturing




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