Measuring Indicators of Community Health and Holistic Well-Being Based on Future Land Use and Transportation Planning Scenarios using Geographic Information Systems

Urban design and transportation investments may have a significant impact on the health and well-being of the people and environments; however, it is often difficult to measure these impacts or predict how long term growth may improve or disrupt a community. This project will begin with a literature review to identify built environment indicators that have been linked to positive population health and holistic well-being outcomes at a community scale. A framework will then be developed to measure these indicators to support development of an Official Community Plan for Abbotsford, British Columbia. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) will be used to measure healthy built environment indicators such as: walkability, bikeability, access to transit, commute length, air pollution, population density, social interaction, and access to nature. Three future urban growth scenarios will be constructed in GIS and the indicators will be compared for each scenario. This project will assist local government stakeholders in understanding the potential impacts of different urban planning approaches, and in ultimately creating urban planning policies that may improve the population health and holistic well-being of the community.

Faculty Supervisor:

Raktim Mitra


Anthony Smith




Urban studies


Management of companies and enterprises


Ryerson University



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