Methods and Practices for Designing EOSID (Engine OutStandard Instrument Departure) in Terrain Airport

In China, there are several airports located in high altitude, mountainous and highly populated cities with many high-rise buildings and man-made obstacles nearby. In order to comply with flight safety regulations, civil aircraft must takeoff and climb-out under the requirements of relevant certification regulations (FAR25, CS25, CCAR25, etc.) and operation regulations (FAR121, JAA-OPS, CCAR121, etc.). In an attempt to improve the payload carrying capability and economy of commercial aircraft operations, while ensuring that flight safety requirements are met, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) has enforced that airlines utilize a modified departure procedure out of airports surrounded by such challenging terrain. This project focuses on the creation of a redesigned procedure, known as an Engine-Out Standard Instrument Departure (EOSID), which may be used to improve aircraft MTOW (Maximum Takeoff Weight) by avoiding the critical terrain or obstacles altogether around a given airport while ensuring the regulatory climb gradients are met.

Faculty Supervisor:

Joon Chung


Jason Naipaul



Aerospace studies



Ryerson University



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