Mineralogy and isotopic signature of the Marshall lake VHMS deposit

The proposed research project will study processes which took place during formation of the copper-silver-gold deposit in the southern part of the Marshall Lake property, western Ontario. The study will focus on deciphering primary and metamorphic mineral assemblages and conditions of their origin. Studying mineral textures and their chemical and isotopic compositions will allow characterization of the processes which formed the deposit, including estimation of temperatures and pressures at which they took place. Isotopic dating of minerals will show relationships with the geologic processes on a regional scale. The study results will significantly improve the current model of the deposit and understanding about copper, silver and gold behavior at this locality. As a result, the partner organization will be better able to select targets for exploration. In addition, this information may be applied to other, similar exploration prospects.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Lee Groat


Jan Cempírek


Waterfront Mining Group


Environmental sciences


Mining and quarrying


University of British Columbia



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