Modelling the Effects of Biodegradation and Seasonal Factors on Soil Vapour Transport: application and adaptation of the MIN3P code.

Soil vapour transport and intrusion into buildings has emerged as a highly relevant issue at contaminated sites with volatile contamination. Advanced modeling tools for vapour transport are relatively limited. Further, there has only been limited in-depth evalution of important factors such as hydrocarbon vapour biodegradation and seasonal influences on site conditions and their impact on vapour intrusion. The interaction between building and subsurface conditions is also not well understood. This project will involve the modification of an existing three dimensional numerical model for subsurface vapour transport, MIN3P, and adaption of commercially available modeling tools to develop a set of tools that could be used to better simulate vapour transport and understand the importance of key factors. The tools and knowledge gained will assist Golder Associates in their applied research and consulting practice and will also be of significant practical benefit to industry and regulatory agencies through more defensible methods and models.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Uli Mayer


Parisa Jourabchi


Golder Associates


Geography / Geology / Earth science


Mining and quarrying


University of British Columbia



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