Modelling the use of landscape features by caribou to guide the restoration of mine sites

Central mountain populations of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) have been in decline due to logging, mining, and gas development within their range and are designated as Threatened under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act. This project will develop a caribou habitat restoration model (CHRM) for the Quintette Mine located in British Columbia. The Quintette Mine once comprised of alpine ecosystems that supported caribou; however, caribou no longer use the areas altered by mining. As part of the mine reclamation plan, steep slopes will be re-contoured to improve access and foraging opportunities for caribou. Using geospatial data and previous literature, the model will predict how caribou may use the mine site under future re-contouring scenarios to identify priority restoration areas. This model will guide future reclamation activities that facilitate the recovery of alpine ecosystems and encourage re-use of the mine site by caribou.

Faculty Supervisor:

Douglas Ransome


Heather Short


Stantec Consulting Ltd.


Environmental sciences


Environmental industry




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