Multi-species sustainable fisheries management using scientific and traditional ecological methods – Year two

I am conducting a multi-species fish population monitoring project in Quebec’s largest lake (Mistassini), to facilitate community-based fisheries management with the Cree Nation of Mistissini. Mistassini is home to recreational fisheries for walleye, lake trout, brook trout and pike. With a 31% increase in the regional human population since 2001 and increasing fishing pressure, effective monitoring of Mistassini’s harvested fish populations is essential. Life history and genomics attributes will be used to assess changes over time in length and weight, population structure, effective population size and whether or not there are any signatures of selection at the genetic level for walleye and brook trout, what the management units should be for pike, and whether or not fine-resolution genetic techniques can better resolve the stock structure of lake trout. Temporal genomic surveys will be complemented with surveys of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of local Cree fishers. TO BE CONT’D

Faculty Supervisor:

Dylan Fraser


Ella Bowles


Niskamoon Corporation








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