Multiple impacts of anthropogenic obstructions on the migrations of fishes

Ducks Unlimited Canada operates multiple fishways slated for replacement throughout Nova Scotia. Recent fishway passage studies on alewife indicate that identifying problem areas for fish passage, and altering fishway design accordingly, greatly increases fish passage. To assess fish passage at fishways, movements of fish will be monitored using passive integrated transponder tags and antenna systems. Predator exploitation of fishes during migration delays will be determined by acoustically tracking predators and prey. Fish passage at new ‘fish-friendlier’ tide gates will also be compared to that at traditional top-hinged gates. Abundance and diversity of fishes upstream of obstacles will be quantified and this will be correlated to number, type, and passage efficiency of obstructions. In this study, problem areas for fish passage will be identified where stakeholders need to improve bypass design to mitigate negative impacts on fish passage and population viability

Faculty Supervisor:

Michael Stokesbury


Aaron Drew Spares


Irving Oil Ltd.




Oil and gas


Acadia University



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