Municipal Climate Change Planning Guidance

The objectives of this research project revolve around the emerging world of municipal climate change policy, planning and implementation in an Ontario context. Specifically, this project will:
1. Assess and compare innovative policies and procedures that are being used by Ontario municipalities to integrate growth planning with climate and energy planning.
2. Assess the factors that support and define net zero community building in Ontario.
3. Improve understanding of political, economic, and regulatory barriers and opportunities that municipalities face when trying to integrate growth planning strategies with their climate mitigation and energy management strategies to build net zerocommunities
4. Facilitate knowledge diffusion to municipalities across the province about the lessons learned, innovative approaches, and ‘best practices’ of municipal innovators that have advanced integration of climate and energy into land use planning.

Faculty Supervisor:

Mark Winfield


Scott Harbinson


Toronto and Region Conservation Authority


Environmental sciences


Alternative energy




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