Myant Response To COVID-19 Pandemic – Research and Technology Development for Smart Textile Solutions

A textile-based solution to remotely and continuously monitor COVID-19 symptoms
Myant proposes to create a wearable textile solution with a compact electronic module able to record ECG, breathing movements, chest motion and sound, skin temperature, and blood pulse (oximetry and pulse shape to estimate blood pressure) in order to monitor key physiological metrics for individuals with and without Covid19, from their residence, geriatric care, or hospital ward, and communicate those metrics to health care professionals to detect health changes and support medical decision.
Building A Novel, Innovative, Scalable and Sustainable Canadian Filtration System for PPE Facemasks
Develop and scale the manufacturing of PPE surgical masks and N95 respirators that are washable and reusable, utilizing multi-layer filtering, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial fabrics. They are knitted using automated robotic machinery with N95 equivalent textile structures introduced in the production of the mask, minimizing post processing and additional labour or materials. As part of this project the developed solutions will be tested and validated to ASTM F2100 standards/specs.

Faculty Supervisor:

Ramin Farnood;Nasser Ashgriz;Babak Mohamadpour Tosarkani;David Alter;Reena Kilian;Chul Park;Hani Naguib


Maryam Ebrahimiazar;Gabriela Chaves


Myant Inc


Engineering - mechanical





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