Narrowing the Gap Between Software Requirements and Tests

Safety critical software systems such as those that control nir navigntion nre subject to very high standards of quality. They need to explicitly provide system requirements nnd make sure there nre enough test cases that nssure an acceptable level of quality, per requirement. However, with the current fnst pace ofsollworo development, sometimes the program and tests are solid but the requirement documents get outdated. It is also possible thnt tho requirement documents are up-to-date, but the tests nre incomplete. Therefore, to narrow the gap between these two sets of artifacts, with the higher goal of increasing software quality, one would benefit from an automated system that identifies the missing pieces and automatically generates them. This project aims this target and proposes a mix of techniques to trace requirements to source code and tests, find missing requirements and tests, and by an iterative process, generate new tests and specification documents.

Faculty Supervisor:

Hadi Hemmati


Shayan Zamani


NAV Canada


Engineering - computer / electrical


Transportation and warehousing


University of Calgary



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