Novel modeling and simulation algorithms of interconnected AC and multiterminal DC grids for power flow and transient stability analyses

This research is aimed at the development of new modeling and simulation algorithms of interconnected AC and DC supergrids for power flow and transient stability analyses. The efforts will be focused on the following technical areas:

  • Advanced modeling methods of AC/DC power converters and controls for the integration of renewable energy resources in power systems.
  • New stability solution algorithms interfacing DC grid models with AC grid transient stability program will be developed.
  • Development of benchmark cases of AC and DC supergrids for transient stability analysis using realistic AC grid cases for various fault conditions

The results are expected to be implemented in the commercial software package TSAT (Transient Security Assessment Tool) developed by Powertech Labs Inc. It is expected that the results of this project will greatly enhance the capabilities of TSAT which will better serve the purpose of analysis for the integration of renewables into the power grid and the operation of the new HVDC technologies.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Liwei Wang


Zheng Zhao








University of British Columbia Okanagan



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