Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Drive Motor Thermal Performance

This research project is related to the development of innovative solutions to enhance thermal performance of self-contained DM systems. The project will be carried out in collaboration with Van der Graaf Inc. (VDG), which is a Canadian company located in Brampton, Ontario. A long-term plan has been developed by the applicant and the industrial partner. The main objective is to help VDG produce DM systems with superior thermal performance capability and equipped with in situ sensors providing the user with live data about the overall thermal performance of the system. Undoubtedly, this technology has the potential to be a disruptive innovation for the drive motor industry, which would put VDG ahead of their international competition. The first phase of this long-term plan is the research proposed in this application which focuses on understanding and modeling thermal performance of DM systems.

Faculty Supervisor:

Mohamed Hamed


Ahmed Teamah


Van der Graaf Inc.


Engineering - mechanical




McMaster University



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