Numerical modeling and evaluation of mixing behavior and grinding efficiency in FLSmidth VXP vertical stirred mill

Stirred mill grinding is a complex and energy-intensive process that involves multiple phases. Multi-scale phenomena that drive hydrodynamic and particle breakage processes in the stirred mill are still not fully understood, due to a number of operating and design parameters that affect mill performance, including disk and barrel geometry, agitation rate, grinding media size and fill volume, and slurry properties, which are further limiting our abilities to monitor, model, and predict this complex operation. To this end, the proposed study will focus on the development and validation of high-performance (GPU- and MIC-accelerated) multiscale numerical models that will allow evaluation of mill design and process state parameters for a range of FLSmidth VXPmills (with different geometries) running over different operating conditions. The primary goal of this research is to develop a better understanding of the effects of operating and design parameters on grinding efficiency, specific power consumption, and level of mixing (residence time) in existing and new VXPmills. Obtained results will help development of new scale-up rules and power models, which will capture parametric dependences between operating and design variables and help optimize VXPmill grinding performance and energy consumption

Faculty Supervisor:

Sanja Miskovic


Chaitrali Ghodke








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