Operator space situation awareness in space object tracking tasks

In the field of space operation and monitoring, there is an increasing need to build space situation awareness (SSA). That is, how well an operator can understand the position and operation of all space objects and satellites. It is critical to organize and present all the data in a proper way to support human understanding of the situation. The current project aims to conduct literature review and help understand what information and knowledge operators need to successfully complete space object tracking tasks, as well as review existing methods that can be used for measuring operator SSA, for the evaluation of the goodness of display designs. Regarding the expected benefit to the partner organization, this engagement will provide a competitive advantage (with respect to usability and human factors requirements) for scaling/market success within Canadian Space sector which is totaled at $5.3 Billion.

Faculty Supervisor:

Shi Cao


Hyun Su Seong;Rongbing Xu


Columbiad Launch Services




Professional, scientific and technical services


University of Waterloo



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