Optimization and compatibility study of a pH-responsive terpolymercomposite membrane for controlled release dosage forms

A new film coating that can respond appropriately to different pH conditions of the stomach and small intestine (GI tract) was successfully prepared by combining pH-responsive nanoparticles with ethylcellulose polymer. However, the performance of the composite membrane has not been optimized for controlling drug release in the GI tract. Therefore, improvements are to be made through experimental design, such as central composite design, to find the appropriate composition of the nanoparticles to achieve the best overall combination of coating properties. The final membrane, then, can be tested for compatibility with different drugs and their release. The best ratio of composition, and different drug compatibilities are expected to be found. The field is of intern’s main interest for graduate studies, and is a great opportunity for hands-on experience, and can be of great contribution of new knowledge for partner organization.

Faculty Supervisor:

Shirley Wu


Hao Han Chang


Patheon Inc.


Pharmacy / Pharmacology




University of Toronto



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