Optimization of key-to-key collision repair process system

The intent of this project is to reduce the cycle time in the vehicle repair process across the Carstar network. The project also includes developing process models that will help in guiding Carstar to reduce cycle time in major process steps for all stores of varying size and disparate locations. During the process of investigation and analyzing the data, the waste (inventory limitations, conflicts, redundant process steps and blockage) will be identified and eliminated. Also, the cost analysis will be documented for each part of the repair process to help show the value of improving the process and the impact on severity, touch time etc. Establishing new process models with improved cycle time will benefit company to remain competitive in repairing vehicles with best quality, at lowest price and at the same time helping the Carstar be profitable.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Robert Fleisig


Krishnakant R. Patel


Carstar Automotive Canada Inc.


Engineering - mechanical


Automotive and transportation


McMaster University



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