Optimizing Return to Sport and Return to Performance After Knee Injuries in Winter Slope Sports: Evidence Based Timelines for Return to Sport and Return to Performance

This project aims to increase the scientific knowledge base on recovery and rehabilitation after knee injury. Noninjured winter slope sport athletes will undergo a battery of baseline testing including quadriceps and hamstrings maximum strength and rapid force producing abilities, lower body power endurance, workload capacity and fatigue tolerance at the start and end of the off-snow training periods. Athletes suffering knee injuries will be identified and assessed at time points throughout their rehabilitation to evaluate the association between athlete performance level, baseline testing indices, injury mechanisms, injury characteristics, surgical procedure, and the time-course recovery in neuromuscular function. The findings of this proposed research project will benefit the Canada Sport Institute, Alpine Canada, Banff Sports Medicine Clinic and Group 23 Sport Medicine Clinic by improving rehabilitation and testing after traumatic knee injuries in athletic and recreational populations.

Faculty Supervisor:

Matt Jordan;Walter Herzog


Isabel Aldrich-Witt


Own the Podium





University of Calgary



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