Pan-Canadian Survey of Education Funding Structures and Processes

Across Canadian provinces, there is little standardization or coordination in terms of public education financing. As such, there is no coordination or standardization in public education across Canada. The IPE/BC is interested in producing a report that outlines the diverse funding models used across Canadian provinces and territories. The aim of this project is to be easily understood and accessible to educators, researchers, policy analysts and citizens. The intern will utilize secondary data analysis to gather and analyze information on education funding allocation across Canada. The intern will then compile the information in a report, and deliver a presentation to key stakeholders. As the IPE/BC is committed to independent research focusing on strengthening the public education system, this project sparks greater dialogue and presents an opportunity to learn from and engage with other jurisdictions.

Faculty Supervisor:

Daniel Laitsch


Iulia Sincraian


Institute for Public Education British Columbia Society


Public administration





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