Piece of Mind: arts-based knowledge translation of Parkinson’s disease research and lived experience

academic sphere, and limit interactions with the stakeholder community. This project promotes meaningful collaboration for the co-construction of knowledge around Parkinson’s disease (PD), using the performing arts as an interactive tool for knowledge translation. Piece of Mind brings together researchers, performing artists, and persons affected by PD to create a performance piece based on scientific research and lived experience. We expect the creative process to foster knowledge exchange and empathy between participants, and the resulting performance to engage a wide audience on both an intellectual and emotional level. Our hope is that this research-creation project will 1) facilitate research uptake outside the academic community, and 2) present a more holistic, person-centered view of PD. As a key stakeholder in the Canadian PD community, Parkinson Québec will benefit through direct access to the resulting knowledge translation materials.

Faculty Supervisor:

Stefanie Blain-Moraes


Naila Kuhlmann


Parkinson Québec


Physics / Astronomy


Health care and social assistance


McGill University



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