PopModel toolkit extension of methodological and user-interface modules: from prototype to beta testing

This research internship expands a prototype of population modeling (PopModel) computer software that was designed to meet the needs of the Saugeen Ojibway – a pair of First Nations deploying and managing the largest Aboriginal commercial fishery on the Great Lakes. A transdisciplinary approach is taken among researchers with advanced expertis in mathematics/statistics, computer software development, and fisheries ecology. The PopModel toolkit prototype is an online web-based program that allows the analyst to manage data, explore patterns, run mathematic population models and evaluate the risk of alternate harvest strategies. This internship focuses on the need to modules for priority extensions in analytical methodology of the mathematical models and the user interface, including data visualization and data validation.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Stephen Crawford


Jasper Tey/Mitchell Gillespie


Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation




Fisheries and wildlife


University of Guelph



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