Post-breeding movement and survival of adult and first-year Bank Swallows in the Great Lakes ecoregion

The bank swallow is a species of insectivorous songbird considered to be threatened in Canada and has been prioritized for conservation action. All swallow species in Canada are migratory, and in their annual cycle, the post-breeding to first migration period is considered to be a difficult and dangerous time for juvenile birds. We propose to conduct an ecological study of bank swallow post-breeding movements and survival in southern Ontario. To do so, we will use an advanced automated radiotelemetry system (the Motus Wildlife Telemetry System) to track the locations of birds we radiotag across southern Ontario, up until they depart for migration. We will then analyze this data to compare survival rates, timing behaviour, and space use between adults and juveniles. We will use a broad range of statistical methods to extraction information at the population and individual levels. The goal is to learn more about the behavioural mechanisms which may underlie high mortality of juvenile bank swallows during their transition to independence.

Faculty Supervisor:

Yolanda Morbey


Christian Buchanan-Fraser


Birds Canada





Western University



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