Powder Functionality in Laser Powder-Bed Fusion of Ti-6Al-4V

This project aims at studying the powder characteristics in the laser powder-bed fusion of Ti-6Al-4V. As an additive manufacturing technique, the laser powder-bed fusion process produces metal objects layer-by-layer using a laser source. Ti-6Al-4V is being used in the aerospace industry because it offers high strength-to-weight ratio and outstanding corrosion resistance. This collaborative work between McMaster University and AP&C investigates the influence of the oxygen content in Ti-6Al-4V powders on the microstructure and mechanical properties of parts produced using the laser powder-bed fusion process. The study includes the initial oxygen content of Ti-6Al-4V powders, as well as the oxygen pick up during manufacturing. AP&C, a subdivision of GE Additive, aims to produce high-quality metal powders as reliable feedstock for the L-PBF process. Therefore, greater understanding for the characterization of additive manufacturing feedstock powders is needed.

Faculty Supervisor:

Mo Elbestawi


Marcin Magolon;Nathan Smith




Engineering - mechanical




McMaster University



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