Regional heterogeneity in lake morphology in Ontario


Lake size and shape are important factors determining the function and structure of lake ecosystems. Moreover, Lake morphology is important for both biotic and abiotic processes, including species richness of zooplankton, macrophytes, and fishes. In particular, Ontario has tens of thousands of natural ecosystems that make up a large part of Canada’s dominant share of the Earth’s surface freshwaters and of global freshwater biodiversity. In addition, fish community (e.g. lake trout, walleye, smallmouth bass) in these lakes support human uses having both high economic and social values (e.g. commercial and recreational fishery worth 2 billion dollars annually and subsistence and ceremonial fishers, providing 69kg/person annually). Thus, this intern will develop a comprehensive data base documenting geographical heterogeneity in lake size and shape among 1000 Ontario lakes. This proposed project link the intern at the University of Toronto with Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources to quantitatively examine how lake size and shape differ across Ontario. Insights from this collaboration will identify and classify various lakes into more manageable sets of lakes which will improve management actions and policies in the province of Ontario. 

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Donald A. Jackson


Jaewoo Kim


Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources




Fisheries and wildlife


University of Toronto



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