Removal of phosphorus (P) runoff from agricultural lands in the Napanee and Wilton Creek watersheds with passive reactors

The primary purpose of this project is to remove phosphorus (P) from agricultural sources in two watersheds (Napanee and Wilton Creek) in the Bay of Quinte Area of Concern (AOC) through remediation with passive reactors. We will install passive reactors to remove P from selected hot spots of P non-point loading from agricultural areas of Bay of Quinte. We will evaluate the efficiency of this remediation on P removal and estimate the impact of this reduction on the P budget. The Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan highlighted the need to develop P management strategies to address the problem of excessive P at its source in the watershed and remediate them. Elevated summer P levels cause nuisance algal blooms and recurrent water quality issues. The project aims to achieve “delisted” status which will reduce the cost of monitoring as well as improve beneficial use of the impacted watersheds. Additionally, passive P removed by the reactors may be reused for fertilization purposes which would result in a more economic farming operations and reduce the demand for new P that could enter the watershed. The proposed technology is also high transferable and could be used at additional sites.

Faculty Supervisor:

Maria Dittrich


Zachary A Diloreto


AEML Associates Ltd.


Environmental sciences


Professional, scientific and technical services



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