Sa?nya?ola Project: Being Creative Together-Indigenous Language Revitalization in BC

This Indigenous language revitalization project consists of four sub-projects that together have the potential to significantly support the revitalization of Kwak’wala: the language of the Kwakwaka’wakw Nations. Exploring the vital link between Indigenous holistic wellness and language revitalization will be a central theme of the project. The project will rely on active
community engagement, youth capacity development and an action-based, braided approach that will have the potential to provide a model for the reclamation of endangered Indigenous languages in general and may have international implications. The four sub-projects include: development of a multi-year strategic language revitalization plan, exploration of Kwakwaka’wakw pedagogy rooted in land-based settings, exploration of how immersive technologies can support the reclamation and resurgence of Indigenous, pedagogy and worldview encoded in language, and the exploration of how youth leadership and language fluency buidling programs are enahnced by the resurgence and infusion of Kwakwaka’wakw
worldview and pedagogy.

Faculty Supervisor:

Sara Child;Naomi Tabata


Ferrin Yola Willie;Caroline Running Wolf;Caroline Running Wolf;Shawn Tsosie;Thomas R Child


Sanyakola Foundation




Other services (except public administration)




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