Stable isotope measurements of vanadium and molybdenum as tracers for treated oil-sands process affected water

Petroleum coke (PC) is a by-product of the extraction of crude oil from the Oil Sands in northern Alberta and has been shown to effectively remove total acid-extractable organics from oil sands process-affected water. This treatment may also lead to an increase in some heavy metals in the treated water and it is important to distinguish between coke-derived elements and those found naturally. The objective of the project is to develop an understanding of the sources and sinks of vanadium and molybdenum in the petroleum coke treated water in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region. This knowledge can be used to identify and potential environmental concerns.

Faculty Supervisor:

Michael Wieser


Courtney Kruschel


InnoTech Alberta Inc


Physics / Astronomy


Oil and gas


University of Calgary



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