Stories for Stream2Sea: Mapping changing ocean relationships and ACTION in Canadian Communities

Stories are powerful. They weave us together and shape how we see the world. This project invites ALL Canadians to be storytellers for a common cause: the health and sustainable use of the global ocean, and all waterways leading to it.
In Canada, the ocean can be understood as an interconnected expanse encompassing coastal areas, freshwater, sea ice, and the open ocean. The ocean (expanse) is changing rapidly. This project encourages Canadians to share their observations, perceptions, and actions regarding their changing ocean relationships through a form of community science journalism. These stories will be integrated into a virtual storymap – an interactive collection of resources (e.g., video, images, audio) that are woven into a digital map. This map allows users (the public at large), to meaningfully explore and interact with the content serving as an educational tool to assess themes (e.g., regional) and community solutions.

Faculty Supervisor:

Kate Moran


Jennifer McRuer


JASCO Applied Sciences


Geography / Geology / Earth science


Professional, scientific and technical services


University of Victoria



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